Fight For $15
One of my Republican colleagues, Rep Clay Cox, has announced that he will introduce legislation next year to give employers a tax credit for providing health coverage to employees who are eligible for Medicaid.
I want to tell you that I will oppose this bill when it comes up for a vote. I feel it is better if we increase the minimum wage to $15 so these workers can afford their company plans, instead of subsidizing businesses who don’t want to pay a living wage. HB 315, which I introduced last year, does just that.
With Mr. Cox’s plan, we will still be subsidizing businesses who refuse to pay a decent wage in addition to their paying fewer taxes. The state receives less revenue and everybody else has a choice to receive fewer services or accept a tax hike in some form or another.
This is lose-lose all the way around. I encourage everybody to contact other legislators and ask them to support HB 315 which raises the minimum wage in Georgia. Now, THAT is a win-win!