I spent Saturday, May 5, with the Gwinnett Democratic Party at the Annual Herb Green picnic.
Herb Green was a long serving and hard working fellow labor leader and Democrat. He started his labor career after being employed in the Doraville General Motors plant in 1948 with the union’s collective bargaining committee. He was an international representative of the UAW of American and a longtime member of the Gwinnett County Democratic Party’s executive committee. Every year the Gwinnett Democratic Party hosts a free picnic in his honor. I am always happy to attend this event and act as the auctioneer for their auction!
Beth Moore, candidate for HD 95, me, Andrea Polk Stephenson, candidate for HD 104
Shelly Hutchinson candidate for HD 107 and her husband, me, on far right, Donald May candidate for BOE District 2 and his wife.
Donna McLeod, candidate for HD 105, me and Ethan Pham, candidate for Congress GA 7