Last Saturday’s Gwinnett Democratic Party’s Post Election Victory Breakfast was a packed house and full of excitement, energy, and enthusiasm! We filled up almost the entire restaurant!
I am very pleased with the results of last week’s election because we turned Gwinnett BLUE! We flipped seven seats in the Gwinnett legislative delegation. With our incumbents, Democrats will make up the majority of the Gwinnett delegation to the State House. Our new members who flipped seats are
Donna McLeod HD 105
Shelly Hutchinson HD 107
Beth Moore HD 95
Gregg Kennard HD 102
Jasmine Clark HD 108
Zahra Karinshak SD 48
Sally Harrell SD 40
They will join me, Sam Park (HD 101), Pedro Marin (HD 96), Brenda Lopez (HD 99) and Senator Elect Sheikh Rahman (SD 5) in the legislature.
We also have two Board of Commissioner seats, Ben Ku (District 2) and Marlene Fosque (District 4). Everton Blair won a seat on the Board of Education in District 4.
Voter turnout was so good that some races are still being decided and we have two state wide runoffs on Dec 4, 2018 for Secretary of State – John Barrow, and Public Service Commission Lindy Miller. Don’t forget to vote!

From Left. Sen Elect Sheikh Rahman (SD 5), Rep Brenda Lopez (HD 99), Rep Dar’shun Kenrick (HD 93), me, Rep Elect Jasmine Clark (HD 108), Rep Sam Park (HD 101) Rep Elect Donna McLeod (HD 105), Rep Elect Beth Moore (HD 95)

From left. Rep Pedro Marin (HD 96), me, Rep Dar’shun Kenrick (HD 93), School Board Elect Everton Blair (district 4 ), Congressman Hank Johnson (US House District 4 ) and Farooq Mughal.