Help with the November Election

Help with the November Election

Be a Part of the Election Process Volunteer to Be a Poll Watcher or a Ballot Monitor for this Upcoming Election The Georgia Democratic Party Voter Protection Team needs volunteers involved in every aspect of the November election, particularly as poll watchers and...
Educating Young Voters

Educating Young Voters

Voter Education Educating youth and college students on the importance of voting is a must as I am a product of the 26th amendment with a 100% voting record .  No...
VOTE 2016!

VOTE 2016!

Are you registered to vote? VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  October 11, 2016  REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE EARLY VOTING Did you know you can vote early?  Here are the times and places   Gwinnett Voter Registration & Election Main Office 455 Grayson Highway, Suite...

Last Day to Register to Vote for November

TOMORROW, is the LAST day you can register to vote in order to vote in this November’s election If you are not registered to vote, or you know of somebody who isn’t registered to vote the good news for you is that you can register online HERE.   It does...