
Savannah State University

HBCU Day at the Capital for the Georgia Colleges.  Here I am with Savannah State University Alumni Beauty Baldwin and President Cheryl Dozier.  They gave a great presentation requesting  funds to renovate the Dr. Charles H. Herty Hall that was built in...

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MLK Statement

A few months ago, the Georgia General Assembly unveiled its newest memorial on the grounds of the statehouse: an eight-foot tall, bronze-coated statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Overlooking the very boulevard named after him, Dr. King’s new monument...

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MLK Day 2018

MLK Day 2018

At the Capital with the Class Of 1965 from Florence South Carolina at the Martin Luther King Jr. Statue as he looks at his Street. What a great day.  The  Martin Luther King holiday was Monday on his birthday, January 15, a day on not a day off.

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New Mayor For Atlanta

I had a great morning attending the Inaugural Interfaith Worship Service  for the 60th Mayor of Atlanta Keisha Lance Bottoms.  She stated that she is thankful for all who attended and is looking forward to uniting the people of Atlanta.  I am...

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

A Very Blessed Merry Christmas to you , your family and friends from our home to yours.  I am looking forward to going over to our youngest daughters home for the Christmas dinner. What a Great Day as my next door neighbor of over 35 years!  Teddy Self...

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

I want to wish everybody a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

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Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots

Great Day with the Gwinnett County Democrats as we bring toys for Toys for Tots.  This is the season for giving. Wishing you, your friends and family a safe, blessed and prosperous New Year. Go Falcons Go!

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I wish everybody who celebrates Hannukah, a very Happy Hannukah.  Enjoy the Festival of Lights!

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Swearing In

Swearing In

At the Capital for the Swearing in Ceremony for the 3 New Democratic House Members.  Teri Anulewicz of HD 42 is one of the new members next to me. Minority Whip Carolyn Hugley , Zahra Karinshak is a candidate for SD 48 and Rep. Sam Parks HD 101. A great...

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